Урок – презентация “Seasons”

Опубликовано: 2012-02-28 09:58:28 Автор: Холова Альфия Мубиновна Комментарии (0)

Урок – презентация “Seasons”
Класс: 4
Учебно-методическое обеспечение: УМК “Enjoy English 4”учебник для 4 класса общеобразовательной школы при начале обучения со 2 класса
Авторы :Биболетова М.З.,Трубанева Н.Н..
Тип урока: урок- взаимодействие ( комплексное применение знаний и умений с доминированием практики учащегося в речевой деятельности).
Характерные черты урока: - речевая направленность;
-  функциональность;
- индивидуализация процесса обучения.
Цель: создать для учащихся необходимые условия для обобщения материала о временах года.
Учебно-методические задачи.
-активизация навыков и умений по совершенствованию в говорении (диалогической, монологической речи), совершенствование навыков письменной речи при составлении рассказа о времени года;
- закрепление грамматических навыков в употреблении Present Simple, Past Simple,  Future Simple.
- Общеобразовательные:
- привлечение учащихся к активной творческой деятельности;
- формирование коммуникативного поведения;
- развитие памяти, внимания, логического мышления, цельности высказывания.
- обучение навыкам взаимопонимания;
- формировать чувство ответственности при работе в паре;
-воспитывать интерес к английскому языку как средству общения;к многообразию средств английского языка.
- создание условий для организации и обеспечения образовательного процесса.
 мультимедийная презентация «Времена года», компьютер, магнитофон, аудиокассета ( песни на английском языке),
постер «Времена года», рисунки детей по заданной теме.
Содержательная часть урока.
1.Организационный момент. Этап введения учащихся в урок. 2 минуты.
Good morning, glad to see you!
T: Who’s on duty today?
P: I’m on duty today.
T:What date is it today?
P.: Today is the the second  of April.
T What day of the week is it today?
Is it warm or cold today?
Is it windy?
Is the sun shining brightly?
What colour is the sky?
Is it raining?
What’s the weather like today?
Do you like this weather? Why?
What was the weather like yesterday?
What will the weather be like tomorrow?
Teacher: When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is about weather. That’s why you must be good at discussing the weather. Today we are going to speak about seasons. So let’s start our lesson.
2. Фонетическаязарядка.
[t] – terrible, hot, melt, frost, hate, autumn;
[d]- dry, cold, cloud, cloudy;
[s] – snow, snowy, sunny, spring, season, summer;
[w] – weather, wet, windy, warm, winter.
На экране флеш – ролик с песней “How’s the weather”
Учащиеся исполняют песню. ( Приложение 1)
3. Актуализация необходимых знаний.
Мультимедийная презентация «Времена года»
Слайды 1
How many seasons are there in a year?
What are they?
What’s your favourite season? Why?
Listen to me and try to guess what season it is.
It’s cool. The weather is changeable. It often rains. The days become shorter and the nights become longer.  Birds prepare to fly to the South. The leaves on the trees are yellow, red and brown.
Yes, you are right, it’s autumn.
What are autumn months?
What’s the weather like in autumn?
What can you do in autumn?
Find autumn words
Complete the words. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word.
Учащиеся записывают слова на доске и сверяют правильность  написания по презентации.
Now it’s time for the autumn song. (Приложение2)
And now I want you to relax.
Физкультминутку проводит ученица на английском языке.
T.- What season comes after autumn?
P. – It’s winter.
What are winter months?
What’s the weather like in winter?
What can you do in winter?
Write the letters in the correct order. Guessthewinterwords.
Учащиеся исполняют зимнюю песню. ( Приложение 3)
T - Guess the season.
It’s a very nice season. The weather is fine. It’s warm. There are many green trees in the streets and in the gardens. Sometimes it rains. The birds return from hot countries and make their nests.
P- It’s  spring.
What do you like to do in spring?
Guess the spring words, please!
C – cloud
S – sun
R – rabbit
F – flower
C – chick
R – rainbow
Have ever seen a rainbow?
Yes, certainly!
Then let’s sing a rainbow song! (Приложение4)
Make up questions to the answers.
And now let’s talk about weather.
Учащиеся рассказывают диалоги о погоде.
T -What season comes after spring?
P- It’s summer.
Do you like summer? Why?
What can you do in summer?
Find the odd one out.
Everybody loves summer, let’s enjoy the summer song. (Приложение 5)
Далее учащиеся рассказывают диалоги с летней лексикой по своим рисункам  и пишут слова на доске.
-How do you say «бабочка» in English?
-A butterfly.
- Can you repeat it, please.
-A butterfly.
- How do you spell it?
- B – U – T – T – E – R – F – L- Y
- Can you write it down?
- Yes, certainly. A butterfly.
Well done, dear students. Let’s finish our lesson with the song. (Приложение6)
4. Инструктажповыполнениюдомашнегозадания.
You see, we’ve done a lot of work during our lesson and it’s time to think about our homework. At home you’ll write about your favourite season.
5.Организационный момент в конце урока. Итогурока, выставлениеоценок.
I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today.  I’m pleased with your answers and the work of all of you. Thank you very much! See you in two days!
Excellent by Coralyn Bradshaw and Jill Hadfield
Friends by Carol Skinner
How is the weather?
It’s a fine day.
How is the weather?
It’s a cloudy day.
How is the weather?
It’s raining.
How is the weather?
It’s snowing.
Autumn Song
Red leaves, yellow leaves,
Orange and brown,
The leaves are on the trees,
The leaves are on the ground.
Brown leaves, orange leaves,
Yellow and gold,
The leaves are on the ground.
Now the leaves are very old.
Orange leaves, yellow leaves,
Gold and red.
The leaves are on the bonfire,
The bonfire’s gold and red.
Winter Song
It’s very cold
With snow and ice,
But we’re very happy,
Winter is nice.
Snowballs are fun
With snow on the ground.
We’ve got new ice skates
For the ice all around.
Look at the snowman
With his funny round head
He’s got two black eyes
And his nose is red.
It’s very cold
With snow and ice,
But we’re very happy.
Winter is nice!
Sing a rainbow.
Red and yellow and pink and green
Purple and orange and blue.
I can sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow, too.
Listen with your eyes,
Listen with your eyes,
And sing everything you see.
You can sing a rainbow.
Sing a rainbow.
Sing along with me.
The sun is yellow,
The sky is blue.
Now it’s summer,
And the holidays too!
We play on the beach,
We swim in the sea.
There are boats and surfboards,
For my friends and me.
We sleep in a tent,
We have picnics in the sun.
We ride in the park.
And we have great fun.
The sun is yellow,
The sky is blue.
Now it’s summer,
And the holidays too!
Welcome to our school.
Come and see where we live.
Come and see our street.
Come and see our nice, big school.
Come and see our swimming pool.
The bus goes to the seaside.
We go there for a treat.
Come and see where we live.
Come and see our street.

Просмотров: 3835

Категория: Иностранный язык


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